The CalFire Firefighters San Diego Benevolent Corporation (501c3) is a non profit organization solely dedicated to assisting firefighters and firefighter families in need.
CalFire Firefighters San Diego Benevolent Homepage
~ Donate To The Benevolent Here ~
The CalFire Firefighters San Diego Benevolent Corporation stands united with FC Knight in support of his Father who is in need at this time. Donations are being accepted via the Benevolent Link above and the GoFundMe Link below.
Dear Family and Friends,
~ Donate Here to Support the FC Knight Family GoFundMe ~
In Dec 2024, the CalFire Firefighters San Diego Benevolent Corporation organized an online fundraiser to assist the family of CalFIRE San Diego Firefighter Jesus Casanova for unplanned funeral costs. The Benevolent donated time and experience to help organize and assist with running Firefighter Casanova’s funeral. Over $16,000 were raised to assist Casanova family with expenses and honor Firefighter Jesus Casanova.
In Dec 2024, the CalFire Firefighters San Diego Benevolent Corporation organized a Holiday Party as a formal fundraiser to increase reserves and increase the capacity for giving.
All donations to the CalFire Firefighters San Diego Benevolent Corporation are tax deductible.
Together, and with your generosity and support, we can help fellow fire families in need.